McDonald’s Wrap of the Day for today

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This deal allows all maccies fans to order a delicious Big Flavour Wrap at McDonalds and a meal with this dish at a special price. There is a different Wrap of the Day on the McDonald’s menu every day.

How much is the Wrap of the Day at McDonald’s?

Prices for the Wrap of the Day, a regular Wrap and meals with those dishes are listed below:

Wrap of the Day£1. 99
– medium meal£4.39
– large meal£5.09
Regular Wrap £4.89
– medium meal£6.59
– large meal£7.29

Prices for a regular wrap may vary depending on the location of a restaurant. The difference between prices is not more than six percent.

Wrap of the Day - Saturday

Choose your favorite Wrap and find out what day of the week the promotion is held. Click on a dish to find out the nutritional value and calories.

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